Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Baloon Vendor

WITCH doll

Winter Mind

Flashback to 2005 after the graduation...
After the hideous board exam which eventually I failed, it’s not my plan you can ensure my organizer and even my antique diary just to prove to you that aiming the license was a big mistake for someone like me.  I wasted too much time for nothing. I wasn’t at my best that time. I wasn’t even trying.
Regrets are marking my whole body piercing to my bones. I’m packed of what if’s and why cant’s given that I can’t revert everything from the start. So I moved on unsuspectingly the effect will soon to approach.
Since then I lost myself in the battlefield. I struggle a lot shifting things to my interest. One to three months of confusion. I stopped existing that day and started to be mute. Riding the MRT alone, walking to home alone, more time for sleeping, never attend any Sunday mass, never pay attention, and stay in one place. No one can talk to me like I use to talk to myself since I assumed no one can understand what I’m going through that time. Hiding was the right word and secrets are the reason.