Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Friday, January 28, 2011



It maybe an exeskeleton of a mollusk
it's a symbol of an oil company
it's the armour of a soldier
it protects the egg white and yolk
but for human shell means emotional protection,
security blanket and a hidden santuary.

Government'S WARNING: Dumbness is dangerous to your health.


- You can't find 13th floor in buildings
-Never wear red in burial
-A cadaver is as hard as a piece of wood
-A flying black moth in wake can consider a spirit
-Balete tree is the scariest in horror movies and books
-Black is for widow, Red is for whore.



a friend is disconnected

How far can you go? how long can you ignore? and how far can you trash? Just because everyone inside your circle are committing mistakes. Just look inside, the flaws are still flaws that defines and binds us to be friends. We learn, we survive, we grow it's because we are all unique individuals. We don't pretend, we just adjust to everyone - Ardel