Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let it out in the open

 Being a jolliest guy is tiring. And FYI it’s not really rewarding. People tend to make fun of you just because you like joking around and smile stuffs. No wonder Grinch falls short to his friends.

This is really a bad day for me. Not because I am tired which is not and obviously I slept from 6am to 2am.
These are all my family. But you have to admit sometimes we need more space to breathe and relax and I’m losing my air right now.
I’m disappointed to the nun with the devil’s tail that wasted my hope for the third time. What’s your problem can you just be rational for once? I am giving my all to understand your situation and you’re pushing my boundaries to its limit. You’re older than me ate can you compose yourself, help yourself. This is not about the people around you. This is really about YOU!
And this is for you my dear friend. You’re bothering me for a week now. Asking questions about job interviews, proper attires & right gestures but hey we have the same issue about adjustment. You’re adjusting to a new world and I’m adjusting my circuit to you. Don’t ask for my opinions if you don’t intend to believe to my suggestions or at least have the decency to say thank you. That’s it. I appreciate that you’re here and you’re with us so please try to be considerate.
