Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Friday, December 10, 2010

weird dream


Christmas Season the longest month of celebration. This is more of the giving and not much of the receiving. Again and again... hahaha parang I can’t accept the fact of giving and receiving.
Grade one was the loneliest class Christmas I attended. I’m not friendly and I’m scared of people except my nanay and tatay. So I don’t know how to write the word friends in my notebook. So this is the most exciting part. Nay prepared 16 gifts and after the party I got none. Because grade school has this golden rule wherein you have to inform the person that you will give him a gift so that she can wraps something in return. Nay asked me, O bakit wala kang dalang regalo? And then I cried.
Grade two first to time received Sourballs and Pretzels and as first timer I’m really excited to open it though I knew what’s inside of the shiny Christmas wraps. Because I learned my lesson.
Note: From grade two to six my dear classmates never fail to give sourballs and pretzels.