Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Love is like studying in school. You need to get your grades before you enroll into another subject. Same with... that you need to learn your lessons before you end and start a new relationship. -ARDEL


If the past is still haunting you when you wake up in the morning. Or visits you while reading a book, watching a love story movies, or dinner to your favourite place. Hmmm wake up!!!
You’re creating your own ghost, well at least it’s a proof that you’re imaginative... but for your own sake limit the usage.
In my case....
Talk to X ask Y to find  Z.
 I find time to talk to my ex, asking her the possible questions that I don’t know the answers. You’ll get bitter like ampalaya plus if you’re unaware of reasons why you end with separate ways. I don’t leave and I don’t end the relationship without the closure. There is no law in asking for a final talk so that every failed relationship can settled everything before they cut the love letters, donate the teddy bears and throw the love rings.. on the other hand keep the rings that will be useful in the future.
 180 degree
Cut the lines and start a new you. Did anyone tell you that when you stay in a relationship you adapt to the person? Some of your hobbies came from your ex. Or maybe some clothes are gifts from that past. Then it’s time for you to change... not so drastic but the stronger version of you. Try something different than the usual. We only get scared for the first time simply because we set our minds that the past is the comfort zone. But then again if that is our comfort zone why are we alone?! And why we did he/she hurt us.
Moving Out
Love is like finding new home, so when you plan to transfer to a new home you have to buy a new set of furniture and dispose the old ones... same with relationship...
Open yourself to others. Dating should be number one on your list. You’re young and single so it’s your privilege. An effective way of treating a broken heart is to find new love. This is not compulsory you can also take your time and then move to dating if you’re ready.