Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I don’t believe in vitamins when I was in college. They always advice me to eat lots of food to gain weight. For lunch and dinner I always have one cup of rice. Plus the sleepless night for three years that made me more thin and unhealthy. I’m 175cm in height and weighing 45 kilos you can consider me the malnourished kid in school. I hate my hair and my body. I’m not kidding that time when I said that I don’t like what I see in the mirror every morning.
Since we are talking about college I have to mention my set of friends wherein one or two of them will be your nightmares especially when they have to pull you down just to pull their self up. It’s like you’re trying your best to look good then a friend will remind you that you’re thin and you have dark skin. This is not the girls who are vain but you’ll be surprise that the nightmares I’m talking about were guys. Believe that in my province guys are more vain that girls. I love you Guys!
A dose of ways to gain weight:
First and foremost I went to the doctor to consult and ask what to do with my weight hahaha. I have to hear professional advice before I take some actions of course. There may be something wrong with my body or I have some problem with my metabolism. Apparently stress!! to blame in my case since I don’t have enough sleep and I don’t eat that much.
I started to eat 3 cups of rice in every meal from breakfast, lunch to dinner. In addition to that I have to eat snacks in between meals. I drink milk every night, enough sleep and after a four months I gained 39Kilos to be exact. Don’t remember to eat fruits and veges. And don’t forget to exercise.

Here is my Before and after Photo. Enjoy sa pagpapataba Guys.

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