Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Marry Maid

In real life there is no such thing “duh”. And I bet if they exist they will never attend the open season. They don’t fit in cans and dinner plates. And they are too big to be your lunch.
I see some every now and then, it should be counted though they are not real.
Coming home from manila to Lopez, Quezon. On the way to Gumaca, Quezon you can a see a mermaid made of stone sitting on top of two rocks called Mag-asawang Bato. I don’t know what exactly the story behind those rocks. Try to ask some of the old hags there, maybe you can hear a great story. All I know is a couple was taken away by a big wave and then wave left a big two rocks. I should know the story I was born in Gumaca.

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