Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Probably this is the most common type of a girl hahaha. Hail to those who don’t belong to this group. If your girl friend is totally crazy in love with a guy I bet there are 60% of chances she will contaminate by this virus. For example I had this girl friend whom I labelled so much with word playgirl since she only cares for sex, She just want the guy for sex and so she had it every week, but suddenly her world turned into upside down when she started to expect from the guy. Sexually committed with a guy that is currently in a relationship and the worst part is she never admitted that she falls so deep. Our conversation will turned into bittersweet when she start to tell us that they share food every lunch, wait each other after office hours, dinner together and sex of course. Even if sugar coating is free I wouldn’t do that in her case. Since the guy is a jerk who just ate our friend’s pride in just an instant and we totally don’t believe with drama because the guy never said I love you to her even once. Truly brain is inversely proportional with the heart, the more the heart grows the brain shrinks proportionally. If “I care for you” or “you’re special” are enough for you girls to stay in a relationship that will be a bad sign for guys to not take you seriously.

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