Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Count the times you cross your fingers? Or waited a shooting star...  don’t want to fall down to grant your wish...

“I wish you good health and more birthdays to come.” Is this good enough at all? But at least someone is really wishing that for us.

My friend’s nanay is really a lola. Last time we talked about her and how she wants to be in her few days here on earth.

I personally see her every time I come home to Lopez. She is a part of my friend so I consider her as one extension. I am writing this because I am unsure of what will be next.

It melts my heart to see my friend’s eyes while giving us the updates about her. It’s not easy. He can’t do anything but to watch her every day.

I don’t want to see her in that way. I only want the image of her back to those days when she prepares dinner for us. How she moves her eyebrows when she is irritated.

It’s still ingrained in my brain. And I will keep it forever. We’ll pray for you Nanay T. Stay there and give him more time pa.

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