Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Throughout history, pleasuring oneself his been a taboo topic, even to the point of outright denials. This sort of behavior has long been denounced by moral leaders and the medical community at large. But those brave enough to find out for themselves typically find these sorts of attitudes to be nothing but myths and moral discrimination (unless you suffer from post-orgasmic illness syndrome like in Sunday's OMG-Fact!!). Self-pleasuring has numerous health benefits for both males and females, and can even lead to better intercourse! In addition to being a great stress reliever, self stimulation can serve as a natural energy boost and improve your mood. Other gender-specific benefits include: For Men: ~ improved immune system function ~ increased resistance to prostate infection and a healthier prostate in general ~ men who masturbate more than 5 times a week are ? less likely to develop prostate cancer! For Women: ~ improved resistance to yeast infections ~ combating pre-menstrual tension and physical conditions such as cramps ~ increased blood flow to pelvic region; this can relieve menstrual pains and backaches (source) Leave a comment SexScott A, Phoenix, AZ posted this on Jan 26, 2011 @ 5:00 pm

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