Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

paint a tree

                                                     paint application/tree/ @ octobrekinse.blogspot.com

Cleopatra in Blu

                                                                 blu @octobrekinse.blogspot.com



Monday, September 27, 2010


pen and paper.. find something in google pictures and then copy. Practice!


My first job was the hardest, I thought that memorizing page by page of books is just in school but then again I’m so wrong. I learned the ingredients of every line of perfume that the company have. And surprise with capricious life of my customers. I never imagine that a single person can spent fifty thousand pesos for perfumes and dress made by Ana Sui in Paris. Let’s not forget the ten thousand pesos jeans of True Religion and Pepper Cut, you can call these people with proper names capital HIGH SOCIETY. Yes you can imagine a poor mom can buy three meals for her family in the price of one fifty pesos. And a thousands are a lot for them, now that’s really unfair right?
The job introduced me to Guerlain Paris, Marc Jacobs, Stella Mccartney, Ermenegildo Zegna and Hermes. And it introduced me to the PERSERVERANCE, CONFIDENCE, and GUTTS to be different. I deposited the word kindness in my brain the day I resigned.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Baloon Vendor

WITCH doll

Winter Mind

Flashback to 2005 after the graduation...
After the hideous board exam which eventually I failed, it’s not my plan you can ensure my organizer and even my antique diary just to prove to you that aiming the license was a big mistake for someone like me.  I wasted too much time for nothing. I wasn’t at my best that time. I wasn’t even trying.
Regrets are marking my whole body piercing to my bones. I’m packed of what if’s and why cant’s given that I can’t revert everything from the start. So I moved on unsuspectingly the effect will soon to approach.
Since then I lost myself in the battlefield. I struggle a lot shifting things to my interest. One to three months of confusion. I stopped existing that day and started to be mute. Riding the MRT alone, walking to home alone, more time for sleeping, never attend any Sunday mass, never pay attention, and stay in one place. No one can talk to me like I use to talk to myself since I assumed no one can understand what I’m going through that time. Hiding was the right word and secrets are the reason.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Flowers for Draw

Colored Pencil and Sign Pen
Get a picture and draw your
own version. :) enjoy


I used blue & black colored pencil for the drawing.
Draw a figure and trace the shadow then shade the
edge. Just simple techniques.

FOOLS in love

3pm Chat with a friend.

Things you can do for Love.

She said:

I’m doing the laundries every weekend while the guy is resting home in Bulacan.

Some weekend I spent late at night waiting for him to go home from Gimik.

There are months I don’t eat lunch in office just to save money to help him pay the bills and his credit cards.

I’m organizing and cleaning things every night because he doesn’t want to see our room messy.
I’m ironing his clothes every morning before we go to office.

He loves to travel with his friends but in two years that we’re together he never let me join any of those out of town trips. He said that it’s his barkada’s bonding time.

I never get to see my friends and even communicate with them for two years.

I borrowed money from my friends to help him pay his debt to a friend.

I never receive gifts from him.

We argue a lot about my faults and shortcomings.

I plead him to stay when he opens the topic of breaking up with me.

I only have myself when I have a problem.

I broke up with him and I started my life from the beginning.

I said: So how are you now?

She Said: I’m committed and happy. J

I said: Good for you.

No more further question we can I always pick the right decision though sometimes one can experienced to get sunk, madly badly in love and get hurt before he/she realize. When can we learn to stop? Too much love can kill us. :P

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I started struggling, but meeting different people, who are just as struggling as you are, makes you a better person and a wiser individual.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Valentine's at CP. HR department assigned me for the poster. So SURPRISE!! parang grade one lang. This is made of coloured Cartolina, Permanent Marker and a whiteboard with a tripod.
Draw and cut tropical flowers and fruits for the decoration...
So there Heart with tropical design by Me. :)


I don’t believe in vitamins when I was in college. They always advice me to eat lots of food to gain weight. For lunch and dinner I always have one cup of rice. Plus the sleepless night for three years that made me more thin and unhealthy. I’m 175cm in height and weighing 45 kilos you can consider me the malnourished kid in school. I hate my hair and my body. I’m not kidding that time when I said that I don’t like what I see in the mirror every morning.
Since we are talking about college I have to mention my set of friends wherein one or two of them will be your nightmares especially when they have to pull you down just to pull their self up. It’s like you’re trying your best to look good then a friend will remind you that you’re thin and you have dark skin. This is not the girls who are vain but you’ll be surprise that the nightmares I’m talking about were guys. Believe that in my province guys are more vain that girls. I love you Guys!
A dose of ways to gain weight:
First and foremost I went to the doctor to consult and ask what to do with my weight hahaha. I have to hear professional advice before I take some actions of course. There may be something wrong with my body or I have some problem with my metabolism. Apparently stress!! to blame in my case since I don’t have enough sleep and I don’t eat that much.
I started to eat 3 cups of rice in every meal from breakfast, lunch to dinner. In addition to that I have to eat snacks in between meals. I drink milk every night, enough sleep and after a four months I gained 39Kilos to be exact. Don’t remember to eat fruits and veges. And don’t forget to exercise.

Here is my Before and after Photo. Enjoy sa pagpapataba Guys.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I just saw some pictures of clothes in a magazine and inspired to do my own version. I decided to post it here as a fresh start for my blog.