Posted my drawings and so called arts.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mom noon at ngayon

Mom Well i call her inay, after college i took it to the next level to be not so baduy. Mother na ang tawag ko sa kanya... She's a little bit hard on me when i was in elementary. She don't want me to play outside from noon till 4pm in the afternoon. I totally understand her , since my lola was more strict than her based on her stories childhood sentiments. She's very patient,fully appreciates it when I moved her in manila. Kasi that when the time that i learned to be independent. For some reason you'll miss her cooks and laundry magic. Because i never been good in laundry, ironing of clothes pwede but laundry, No way especially the white shirts and undies. Siguro its one of her magic. To be continue...

Scale membrane

Friday, June 29, 2012

Six sense is it? Taking side or not, i just don't care. Does it really worth the try... Maybe... What will happen next? Well i'll keep my promises as teammate. But the effort will not be there, if you're against it? You're highly disagree? Or your're simple just mad because I don't like her? That is not problem anymore. My flag down...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Autumn leaves of red and gold

Bolinao swam swim sunk!

The nipa hut accommodation is okey for me, not so comfty for those people who wants a good bed. The beach is nice, the water is blue and clear, theres a lot of sea weeds in the morning, you will see some old logs, theres no sign of fishes in the shaloow part. But ofcourse there is no one swimming under the painful sunlight unless you want to be hot and toasted like a bread. So we decided to take a tour in enchanted cave, sorry there are no pictures to be posted ardel, no to posting of pictures. Its not that enchanted at all but the water inside is ridiculously cool but that not cold. Also tried diving but im so scared with the dark pat of it. But still i touched the lake bed using the tour guide's goggles. Next point is the lighthouse, so anung meron sa lighthouse? Wala but its creepy old, locked and I am imagining things that someone died inside of it, ayun yung exciting dun, because i love creepy... This is the higlight of the day, the Patar Beach, ganda ng waves, im willing to die in this beach, if ever my time will come i want to be eaten by big waves :) fine malamang hindi ko pa time... But the beach is to die for beacuse of its waves, think surfers will love the beach, the beach the beach.... Thats it! Yun langa naalala ko dude, dont remember more.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bambb Shit


Throughout history, pleasuring oneself his been a taboo topic, even to the point of outright denials. This sort of behavior has long been denounced by moral leaders and the medical community at large. But those brave enough to find out for themselves typically find these sorts of attitudes to be nothing but myths and moral discrimination (unless you suffer from post-orgasmic illness syndrome like in Sunday's OMG-Fact!!). Self-pleasuring has numerous health benefits for both males and females, and can even lead to better intercourse! In addition to being a great stress reliever, self stimulation can serve as a natural energy boost and improve your mood. Other gender-specific benefits include: For Men: ~ improved immune system function ~ increased resistance to prostate infection and a healthier prostate in general ~ men who masturbate more than 5 times a week are ? less likely to develop prostate cancer! For Women: ~ improved resistance to yeast infections ~ combating pre-menstrual tension and physical conditions such as cramps ~ increased blood flow to pelvic region; this can relieve menstrual pains and backaches (source) Leave a comment SexScott A, Phoenix, AZ posted this on Jan 26, 2011 @ 5:00 pm

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Green tomato doodle

Pach is the Kaladkarin girl

Dude youre so ready as ever... Apppreciate the time you spent with us..... Im on track with your entries, write some more pagkakakitaan naten yan soon, It will be history as we take our long sleeep forever oh my God wag muna ah mga 70 please ;)

Missed you spot, try another lifetime if you have

Birthday message sent

Dearest Mica, Happy Happy Birthday dear, First don't criticize my english I had enough of that hahaha. THOUGH! Who are you as a person? You are quiet killer in stage. Your are contented in a simple dinner over a simple conversation with a simple guy like me, hope you will stay the same. You find happiness in simple things. You get frustrated with your ----- issues. You hate 3rd party, you are not a big fan of mistresses and you don't like cheating. You are against cheater, cheater and cheaters.. And lots of cheaters.. Are cheaters in school counted? You don't flaunt because you believe in simplicity. You only tried things once... Try mo magsecond time. You are patient in dropping my ass in shaw boulevard. You love to eat , but you dont show that in public because people might judge you and say na youre fat and youre fat... You love your mom and sister more than your car. Hihihihi You dont have a name for your car, please create one. You slept alone somewhere.. Its an experience ikaw na! Godbless cheers to us. Happy Happy Birthday!



Away bata ang peg

While we grow older we set our deals,our non-negotiables, our standards. And sometimes these are misinterpreted by your friends as they are comparing those to how they would react to problems if ever they bump to one of these so called ego. Some may listen but don't understand, Some may ignore and give shit face, Some agrees and compromise, Some would say yes eventhough it's not okey for them Your duty is not to make them understand how you feel But rather share them, listen to their opinions, pick up some good points and then just walk away with smile on your face... And say this is my life i can do what i want and thank you for your help.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Don't be a dope, say no to dope .